What We Do



There is undeniably a feminine force leading the new world. Women of inspiration, women of influence, women of inclusivity, women of innovation and other WOI movements have led people to see the true value of female leadership. WOI Global works with women from all around the world to become integrated and powerful leaders.

WOI Global is also a global centre of excellence for women’s leadership and provides coaching, women’s retreats, workshops and WOI Masterclasses around leadership best practice.


WOI Global retreats are set in exotic locations around the world where powerful women get real, transform, identify their mission and learn to truly inspire. 

We go deep into all areas of what it takes to become a truly integrated leader for the future.

The retreats generally run for 3-5 days and cover a cross section of transformational and learning experiences.

Integrating Psychology

Deep emotional integration through individual and group psychotherapy sessions which are transformational and uplifting.

Yoga, Meditation and Wellbeing

Daily practice to uproot emotions, provide balance flow, restoration and stress management strategies to maximise wellness

Voice & Presence

Learning to become a powerful and impactful communicator through harnessing voice and presence.

Leaders Value Profile

Psychometric testing to understand personal values, how they apply to one’s leadership, and learning to lead others

Life & Business Coaching

Powerful one-to-one and live group coaching to create a new 2.0 version of business, life and leadership

Powerful Community

Group experiences that challenge, excite and create long-lasting memories within a powerful community

WOI Global hosted its inaugural global retreat in Maui where female CEOs and leaders from all around the world came to deeply transform, be part of a powerful community and set their mission for the future.




WOI Global has a track record of coaching some of the worlds top female leaders, helping them to define their mission and lead from their true feminine power. 

WOI Global coaching is focused on unlocking women from within themselves as well as unlocking their purpose and mission.

We work in fellowship with world leading experts to help women explore and integrate their six levels of feminine mastery.

We also work with companies to provide group workshops and coaching that focuses on creating a more inclusive and empowered culture for women so they can thrive.

Please contact us for more information about our 1;1 or group coaching sessions.


6 Levels of feminine mastery



Identify the purpose from the heart that will inspire the ‘why’ for the mission.



Integrating lower consciousness (personality and ego) into higher consciousness (presence and power)


North Star

Develop a North Star system that will create future value for life and business


Functional Wellbeing

Understanding functional physiology through hormone balancing, diet, exercise


Leadership Impact

Identify the leadership skills needed for personal and business transformation, and that will leverage a powerful brand


Divine Femininity

Harness the divine female power and learn to teach men about masculine and feminine energy


WOI Masterclass



WOI Masterclass has featured many top global female leaders including Meg Whitman at Quibi, Margo Georgiadis at Ancestry and Wandee Khunchornyakong at SPCG.

WOI Masterclass brings incredible stories to life to showcase the best of business, life and leadership. These stories are produced in an online format and is then shared as global best practice to subscribers. For more information on the WOI Masterclass please contact us.

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